Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Reasons Why Reputation Management Is Important For Your Online Business

By Greg Marshall - follower of

Having a good online reputation is always necessary when you are an online business owner. This would always indicate that people can trust you and then they would want to buy from you. Bad reputation turns away business which is why you should know how to properly do reputation management. If you have bad news about your business going around social networking sites, you can bury them in search results by doing reputation repair. Expert SEO service providers can help you with this goal.

What Can A Website Analysis Report Do For Your Business?

By Robert Walton – an e-commerce site owner got his site checked at SEOPartner

get your website evaluated
Traffic is important to any e-commerce website. You want people who are visiting your site to explore and hopefully buy - not leave in the first 5 seconds. In order to find out what your site needs to catch your market’s attention and increase conversion, you can get a professional website check.

This website analysis report will suggest the changes that your site needs. For instance, it can determine if your page speed is helping your conversion or actually costing you site visits. The report also gauges the SEO readiness of your site, giving insights and sound recommendations that can make you more competitive in your niche. 

Monday, June 17, 2013

The Best Way On How To Market Your App

By: Arkin Marshal - a freelance writer and a follower of Buzinga.

Marketing the app that you’ve been developing entails many tools and techniques. In websites, one of the most effective marketing strategies is to use SEO. In app, there is also a counterpart of this marketing strategy known as ASO. App Store Optimization is the process of improving the visibility of a mobile application in an app store.

So if you wish to learn how to market your app, learning ASO or hiring the services of an app marketing company would be your best bet so that the app you have been developing will not go to waste.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

An Overview on How To Become An iOS Developer

By: Karren Stone - resource info from

Without a doubt, the sales of smart devices and androids such as smartphones and tablets somehow created a negative impact with the sales of laptop and desktop computers. Activities such as being connected with friends and relatives, through logging in on a social media site, or downloading applications made their iPhone or android device functional. Other applications that have something to do with fitness, music, and image editing productivity are some of the well-sought apps that are present in the iOS and Google Play market aside from games. Getting closer with their consumer base and target market will be very handy since this mobile platforms are offering these services.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Coffee Shop Millionaire: Sources Of Writing Jobs

By Carol Triver - research from

Blogging or writing is a wonderful source of income. To tell the truth, Anthony Trister has been known as "The Coffee Shop Millionaire" because of this activity. Day by day, he just spends a couple of hours typing away in his laptop while he is drinking his favorite beverage - coffee.

For those who are interested in pursuing this line of work and make money out of it, just like Trister did, here are possible source of blogging or writing work:

1. Job Boards or Freelance Writing Networks

2. Forums

3. Other freelance writers who have extra projects they can no longer undertake because of their busy schedule.

Writing - Your Tool In Becoming A Coffee Shop Millionaire

By Ferry Leswon - content inspired from

Plenty of folks don't take writing as a profession. This is because it only pays very little and yet you have to exert a lot of effort and devote a significant amount of time just to finish a single story. In addition, you are not guaranteed that your creation will be published and if it does, you are not assured it will sell well. However, this is no longer the case. As a matter of fact, a writer these days is also called a coffee shop millionaire. One great example is Anthony Trister, a famous online coach that helps aspiring individuals learn the ways to make full advantage of writing.